#18 | Habitat University - Aldo's tools: Getting creative with prescribed fire, ft. Dr. Marcus Lashley

Natural Resources University Podcast Logo

January 26, 2021

Natural Resources University


Natural Resources University


How can prescribed fire be used creatively to create and enhance habitat for wildlife? Dr. Marcus Lashley, Assistant Professor and Extension Wildlife Specialist at University of Florida and host of Fire University, joins the podcast to tackle this question, and we take a deep dive into prescribed fire as a habitat management tool.

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Resources discussed in the episode

Fire University Episode 3 – Where to get information, experience, and collaborators to meet prescribed burning objectives - https://fireuniversity.libsyn.com/episode-03-where-to-get-information-experience-and-collaborators-to-meet-prescribed-burning-objectives

Fire University Episode 4 – Patch-Burn-Grazing as a strategy to manage grassland communities - https://fireuniversity.libsyn.com/episode-04-patch-burn-grazing-as-a-strategy-to-manage-grassland-communities

Natural Resources University - https://naturalresourcesuniversity.libsyn.com/

Southern Fire Exchange - https://southernfireexchange.org/

Coalition of Prescribed Fire Council - http://www.prescribedfire.net/

Prescribed Burn Associations - https://research.cnr.ncsu.edu/blogs/southeast-fire-update/prescribed-burn-associations/

