Deer University - Just how bad is dog hunting on deer? | #133

Natural Resources University Podcast Logo

March 24, 2023

Natural Resources University


Natural Resources University


Seems like you either love dog hunting, or hate it. There’s no in between.  But what does the research say about the effects of dog hunting on deer herds? In this episode we visit with Dr. Gino D’Angelo, a professor at the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at the University of Georgia.  Gino is one of the few biologists that has studied a deer population routinely hunted with dogs. Gino will fill us in on the effects of dog hunting and best management practices if dog hunters hunt a property adjacent to you.    

Check out the MSU Deer Lab’s online seminar series (here) and choose the Natural Resources option from the Categories drop down menu.  You will have to create an account to view the seminars. The seminars are free unless you are seeking professional educational credits.

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