Wild Turkey Science - Can conservation governance save turkeys? (Part 1/2) | #182

Natural Resources University Podcast Logo

September 4, 2023

Natural Resources University


Natural Resources University


Dr. Kelly Dunning, Associate Professor at Auburn University and Timberline Professor at the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, joins Will and Marcus to discuss the complexities associated with conservation policy-making and how we can better integrate wild turkey research and political science moving forward. Part 2 of this episode releases next Monday.


Dr. Kelly Dunning (Email) (Website) (@DrKellyHDunning) (Academic Profile)

Dr. Marcus Lashley (@DrDisturbance) (Academic Profile)

Dr. Will Gulsby (@dr_will_gulsby) (Academic Profile)

Turkeys for Tomorrow (@turkeysfortomorrow

UF DEER Lab (@ufdeerlab) (YouTube)


Watch these podcasts on YouTube: Wild Turkey Science YouTube


Donate to wild turkey research: UF Turkey Donation Fund , Auburn Turkey Donation Fund 

This podcast is made possible by Turkeys for Tomorrow, a grassroots organization dedicated to the wild turkey. To learn more about TFT, go to turkeysfortomorrow.org

Help us help turkeys by rating this podcast and sharing it with your friends and family. 


Music by Dr. David Mason & Artlist.io

Produced & edited by Charlotte Nowak


