Welcome to the third episode of Pond University! In this episode, we talk with Sandy Clark-Kolaks, the Southern Fisheries Research Biologist with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Sandy has worked on fisheries management projects for over 13 years, including improving fish habitat in reservoirs and lakes. Today, Sandy talks about the importance of fish habitat and describes the different types of fish habitat you can add to your pond or lake. Plus, building fish habitat structures makes for a great winter project and a frozen lake can allow you to place these structures in the exact location you want!
Indiana DNR Private Pond and Lake Management website: https://www.in.gov/dnr/fishwild/3614.htm
Friends of Reservoirs (FOR) is a tax-deductible non-profit foundation dedicated to protecting and/or restoring fisheries habitat in reservoir systems nationwide. Their website is: https://www.friendsofreservoirs.com/
Mitch’s profile page: https://ag.purdue.edu/fnr/Pages/Profile.aspx?strAlias=mzischke&intDirDeptID=15
Mitch’s twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAussieWahoo
Megan’s profile page: https://ag.purdue.edu/fnr/Pages/Profile.aspx?strAlias=mlgunn&intDirDeptID=15
Megan’s twitter: https://twitter.com/_TFFP
Pond and wildlife management website: https://extension.purdue.edu/pondwildlife/
Purdue’s Department of Forestry and Natural Resources website: https://ag.purdue.edu/fnr/Pages/default.aspx
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant website: https://iiseagrant.org/
Contact us! https://extension.purdue.edu/pondwildlife/contact-us/