Welcome to the second episode of Pond University! In this episode, we talk with Purdue Extension Educator David Osborne. Dave has been helping landowners manage their ponds for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge on many pond management topics. Today, he talks about how your pond changes during winter and things that you can do to prevent negative impacts on fish populations. Please see below for useful links:
Dave’s profile page: https://extension.purdue.edu/Ripley/profile/osbornda
Dave’s video recommendation “Great Small Waters”: http://www.rayscott.net/sales/gsw.php
Mitch’s profile page: https://ag.purdue.edu/fnr/Pages/Profile.aspx?strAlias=mzischke&intDirDeptID=15
Mitch’s twitter: https://twitter.com/TheAussieWahoo
Megan’s profile page: https://ag.purdue.edu/fnr/Pages/Profile.aspx?strAlias=mlgunn&intDirDeptID=15
Megan’s twitter: https://twitter.com/_TFFP
Pond and wildlife management website: https://extension.purdue.edu/pondwildlife/
Natural Resources University website: https://naturalresourcesuniversity.libsyn.com/
Purdue’s Department of Natural Resources website: https://ag.purdue.edu/fnr/Pages/default.aspx
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant website: https://iiseagrant.org/
Contact us! https://extension.purdue.edu/pondwildlife/contact-us/