Managing a Deep Valley Lake | Fish University #363

Natural Resources University Podcast Logo

November 27, 2024

Natural Resources University


Natural Resources University


We have scientifically proven approaches to lake and pond management, but there is always an element of art involved. Every lake is different. There is always something just a little odd that needs to be considered or a unique issue that must be addressed, and some lakes are just simply “problem lakes”. In this episode, we take an in-depth look at a lake that fits this description. This is a lake built in a deep erosion valley of the Mississippi River escarpment that has faced watershed issues, plant issues, and fisheries management issues for some time. But with proper management and attention to detail, the lake is getting back on track. Wes discusses this lake with owner/manager, Mr. Jeffrey Clark.

Do you have questions or comments? Follow the Fish University Facebook community and chat with Wes or suggest future episodes!

