Legends of turkey research | #50

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October 23, 2023

Wild Turkey Science

Wild Turkey Science


Marcus and Will travel back in time with legendary turkey researchers Dr. Larry Vangilder and Eric Kurzejeski. Join as they discuss the early days of restocking and lessons learned, how hunting regulations changed as populations grew, initial assumptions impacting today’s regulations, challenges they faced as biologists, and thoughts on why we’re seeing declines today.


Dr. Larry Vangilder, Eric W. Kurzejeski

Dr. Marcus Lashley (@DrDisturbance) (Academic Profile)

Dr. Will Gulsby (@dr_will_gulsby) (Academic Profile)

Turkeys for Tomorrow (@turkeysfortomorrow

UF DEER Lab (@ufdeerlab) (YouTube)


Watch these podcasts on YouTube: Wild Turkey Science YouTube


Donate to wild turkey research: UF Turkey Donation Fund , Auburn Turkey Donation Fund 

This podcast is made possible by Turkeys for Tomorrow, a grassroots organization dedicated to the wild turkey. To learn more about TFT, go to turkeysfortomorrow.org

Help us help turkeys by rating this podcast and sharing it with your friends and family. 


Music by Artlist.io

Produced & edited by Charlotte Nowak



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